Raymond Audain (Papa) peacefully departed on April 3, 2024, while in the embrace of a tranquil sleep and amongst his immediate family members, after a short but brave battle. Born on November 17, 1934 to the late Anna (nee Moise) and Rene Audain, Raymond is survived by his loving wife, Michelle, his children Nancy Audain Allen, Alix (Tamie Bassett) Audain, Raymond Audain, Jr., Alexandra Audain Lianos, Rachel Bensimon Ben-David, and Sabrina (Gary) Elsinger, and his grandchildren Mark Henri Allen, Lucas Bassett-Audain, Remy Bassett-Audain, Beau Bassett-Audain, Talia Ben-David, Garrett, Elsinger, Alana Ben-David and Ethan Elsinger.
Raymond initiated his professional journey as a young businessman and his legacy is woven, not only through the contributions to his community but also through the lasting impact of his love of humanity. He was a friend to many, but most importantly, a brother to all. May Raymond rest in eternal peace, surrounded by his family and friends who are awaiting him in heaven.
Donations may be made in Raymond's memory to Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital Foundation.